2020 Third International Symposium on Signal and Image Processing (ISSIP 2020) is aimed to foster the field of signal and image processing encompassing the theory and practice of algorithms and hardware that convert signals produced by artificial or natural means into a form useful for a specific purpose. The signals might be speech, audio, images, video, sensor data, telemetry, electrocardiograms, or seismic data among others. The possible application areas include transmission, display, storage, interpretation, classification, segmentation, or diagnosis.
The symposium is organized by University College Algebra, Zagreb, Croatia during October 21-22, 2020. The main objective of the symposium is to provide a platform for young researchers to showcase their inventions and innovations in the field of signal and image processing which may be put to use to mankind.
Mario Kovač, Director of the HPC Architecture and Application Research Center, was invited to deliver a keynote, titled "European Processor Initiative: Europe’s Industrial Technology Cornerstone for the Exascale Era", presenting the latest developments in the largest European effort to reach HPC independence.